July 01, 2015

Hamster blindness... from old age

After 10+ years of keeping hamsters, I realised that 2 of my hamsters had actually turn blind upon old age. Especially my hamster, Dou Gay, he had cataract as I can see his eyeballs had white spots covering the pupils.

As hamsters age, we, as owners, need to help the hamsters adjust the environment.

I had friends who ask me to put my hamsters to sleep but I am strong believer that hamster should live to their end of lifespan. It is very unnatural  to put them to sleep just because they are blind unless they have further injuries that are causing their pain.

Things to do to help your blind hamsters
1) Remove of obstacles
  • Housing/Cage
    • If your hamster is currently living in 2 storey (floor) cage, it is time to remove the 2nd storey and convert it to a single deck cage. This can prevent your hamster from falling off the 2nd storey. (one of my hamster did fall off from the 2nd storey before he paralyses and die shortly afterwards, hard lesson for me)
  • Avoid new staff/toy and keep same cage layout
    • I know owners alike love to give new toys to hamsters. However, if your hamster is blind, I strongly recommend that the cage layout to be simple, without obstacles, and most importantly hamster access friendly. You don't want to injury your hamster in anyway possible.
  • Water bottle
    • I strongly recommend that the water bottle to be lowered to  hamster's head level so he can feel and know where is the water bottle without much difficulties.
  • Food supply
    • Place the food dish in an open area without any obstacles so that you view your hamster without difficulties and know if it has any problem going into the food dish. If your hamster has problem even climbing into the food dish, do consider changing to a shallow food dish.
2) Sound over movement
  • Create a common noise
    • By creating a common noise habitually, your hamster will be able to relate that noise to you. However, avoid super loud noise as your hamster might be in shock than in comfort. I always use a squeaking whistle before placing my hand or food dish in the cage.
  • Touching your hamster slowly and gently
    • Yes, you still can pick up your blind hamster but make sure your hamster know that it is you. Avoid back grabbing as that is how predators in the wild hunt for hamsters. Let your hamster come to your hand before scoping it out from the cage. I prefer scoping method than tummy hold for my older hamsters as they will feel safer with a base that they can touch their feet on. 
Hope these tips helps. I had draft this article many month back but never get to type finish it until today. Cheers!